One of the objectives of the UNGM registration process is to ensure that the procurement needs of UN organizations and the capability of potential suppliers to meet these needs are matched.
Why is not it possible to register with a specific UN organization?
UN organizations fulfill different mandates and therefore have different requirements for goods and services. In case a supplier profile does not meet the requirements of a UN organization, the supplier will not be able to register with this specific UN organization on UNGM.
This matching process is done automatically. The specific UN organization will not be listed under the list of UN organizations the supplier is registered with under My Submissions Statuses.
In this case, suppliers are advised to review their UNSPSC code selection to match the UN organization's requirements for goods and services. For more information, read the: How to select UNSPSC codes? and How to select UNSPSC codes when relevant codes may not be found? articles.
What if the supplier needs to participate in a procurement opportunity but is not registered with the issuing UN organization?
If suppliers want to participate in a procurement opportunity but are not registered with the UN organization issuing it, they are advised to directly contact the UN procurement officer in charge of that bidding process. His/her contact details may be found under the corresponding Contact tab.
Suppliers may check the UNSPSC code selection of that particular procurement opportunity and update their own selection accordingly. However, this does not imply registration as other factors may affect the registration with a certain UN organization.