UNSPSC codes are used by UNGM to classify suppliers' products and services. Upon registration on UNGM, suppliers are required to provide information about their activity by classifying the suppliers' products or services according to the UNSPSC code classification. For more information, read the: What are UNSPSC codes? article.
To select relevant UNSPSC codes, follow the instructions below:
- Type one keyword in the search bar. The system will suggest some relevant UNSPSC codes based on the provided keyword. Try different keywords for the same product and service if the search returns no relevant results.
- Tick the checkbox next to the code to select the UNSPSC code, and all subcodes under that code will also be selected. Include as many codes as necessary to fully describe the products and services.
- Ensure that the selected codes correspond to either product or service categories.
- Products range from 10000000-60000000 and 95000000
- Services range from 64000000-94000000
- Select the most detailed code within the classification by selecting the lowest level. Click on the arrow next to a category to view the UNSPSC codes that fall under that category. The two highest levels of codes, corresponding to Segment (letters from A to J) and Family (first level with numbers), cannot be ticked to ensure a more accurate selection.
- Review the selected UNSPSC codes. Click on the Show selected codes button to display the selected codes.
- Save the UNSPSC code selection. Click on Save and continue to save the UNSPSC code selection.
- To unselect a specific UNSPSC code, untick the checkbox next to the UNSPSC code.
- To unselect the entire UNSPSC code selection, click on the Clear selected codes button.