The supplier's name used for registration on UNGM must be provided exactly as written in the company's Certificate of Incorporation or other legal documentation.
If the supplier name provided on UNGM does not correspond to the name provided in its legal documents, the supplier will be required to update this information in UNGM - as it constitutes a requirement for being awarded a contract.
To update the supplier name in the UNGM account, please follow these steps:
1. Once logged in to your UNGM account, click on Registration at Basic Level in the navigation menu and on the Edit button under the General information section.
2. Click on the Change supplier name button.
3. Amend the supplier name, provide a comment and click on the Save button.
4. The supplier name is now updated.
The supplier has already submitted Level 1 information, how to proceed now?
Suppliers may be required to upload their company's Certificate of Incorporation in case the Level 1 registration was already completed before the supplier name update. If this is the case, follow these steps:
1. If this document has to be modified, upload the new Certificate of Incorporation to My Documents. For more information, read the: How to upload documents in UNGM? article. If it does not have to be modified, go to step 2.
2. Click on Select file link.
3. Click on Use this file to attach the corresponding document.