When updating their name in the registration form, suppliers may experience the following error message 'An account with similar information already exists in the UNGM database. We request suppliers to contact UNGM using the contact form in the Help Centre (question mark icon on the top bar) and to provide the supplier name, the license number, and the country where established'.
What does it mean?
This error message suggests that another account with the same supplier name already exists on UNGM. This message implies that more than one account for the same supplier may have been initiated on UNGM.
To avoid confusion in the procurement process, suppliers may not be registered more than once on UNGM. The system will prevent suppliers from updating the company name.
In this case, suppliers are advised to immediately contact UNGM using the contact form in the Help Centre and to provide the following details:
Supplier name
License number
Country where the supplier is established
UNGM will investigate whether a UNGM account already exists for the supplier.
TIP: If there is any doubt that another account with the same supplier name already exists in UNGM, suppliers should not carry on with the supplier name change - as this may create duplicate accounts.