The prerequisite to access the registration at Level 2 is to complete the registration at the Basic level and Level 1. The company also needs to be established for a minimum of 3 years.
To complete the Level 2 registration, please follow these steps:
1. Click on Registration at Level 2 in the navigation menu.
The registration form includes two mandatory sections: Reference letters and Financial documents.
2. Under the Reference letters section, upload three reference letters from three recent independent and non-affiliated clients. For more information, read the: What are the reference letters required at Level 2? article.
Click on Add reference letters to open the Document repository. For more information, read the: How to upload documents in UNGM? article.
When the three reference letters were successfully uploaded, the Reference letters section will be validated (see green tick next to the section title).
3. Under the Financial documents section, upload the company's financial documents (audited/certified or equivalent) for the last three years. For more information, read the: What are the financial documents required at Level 2? article.
Click on Add financial documents to open the Document repository.
When uploading financial documents under the Registration at Level 2, suppliers will be required to provide the documents' validity date. The validity date refers to the validity period of the financial documents and does not necessarily refer to the company's fiscal year.
4. A green message will appear when the Level 2 registration form is successfully completed.
To submit the registration, click on the Submit registration at Level 2 button.
To submit your registration right away, click on Submit my registration. Otherwise, click on Save changes and submit later.
Suppliers may check their Dashboard at any time to check their registration statuses with UN organizations.
UN organizations mostly review the Registration at Level 2 as part of a tendering process. In the meantime, the Registration at Level 2 status may remain as Submitted.
If suppliers are receiving system emails asking them to update the financial documents, suppliers are advised to read the: How to update the company's financial documents at Level 2? article.
Suppliers are recommended to keep the documentation and information provided at Level 2 updated at all times, especially financial documents. If any information needs to be updated, suppliers will directly be contacted by the UN organization.