In the Registration at Level 2, suppliers are required to upload three reference letters from three independent and non-affiliated clients.
These reference letters should be recent (<12 months old), should be issued and signed by the clients and addressed to the supplier.
What information should the reference letters contain?
In reference letters, the supplier's clients usually assess, in a positive way, the supplier's capabilities and performance. These reference letters must contain at a minimum the following information:
A description of the products and or services delivered or projects undertaken by the supplier;
The duration of the contractual agreement;
An overview of the supplier's performance and capabilities.
If needed, suppliers may download the template below and use it as a reference when requesting a letter.
Instructions to complete the registration at Level 2
Suppliers are advised to upload three reference letters from the same three references used for the Level 1 registration;
The reference letters should be provided in English;
For more information, read the: How to complete the Registration at Level 2? article.