The Registration at Level 2 requires suppliers to upload the company's audited financial documents for the last three years. For more information, read the: What are the financial documents required at Level 2? article.
On an annual basis, suppliers will receive automatic notifications reminding them to update their financial documents in the Registration at Level 2. These reminder emails inform that the supplier's profile will be deactivated if the information is not updated.
The latest financial document is available at the time of the reminder email
In case the latest financial document is available, suppliers are required to upload this document at Level 2. For more information, read the: How to complete the registration at Level 2? article.
The latest financial document is not available at the time of the reminder email
In case the latest financial document may not be ready yet and is therefore not available, suppliers may exceptionally extend the financial documents' validity dates to prevent the reception of reminder emails.
To extend the financial document's validity dates, please follow these steps:
1. Click on Registration at Level 2 in the navigation menu.
2. Go to the Financial Documents section and click on Edit next to the financial document.
3. Extend the validity dates and click on Save.
Once the latest financial document is ready, suppliers are required to upload this document in the Registration at Level 2.
TIP: If the Registration at Level 2 is evaluated by a UN organization, suppliers will be required to update the validity dates to reflect the dates indicated in the financial document.