Level 1 and/or Level 2 registrations have been completed but have not been evaluated yet
UN organizations mostly review Level 1 and/or Level 2 registrations as part of a tendering process. In the meantime, your registration status may remain Submitted.
This status does not prevent the supplier from participating in procurement opportunities requiring a specific level of registration.
Level 1 and/or Level 2 registrations have not been submitted to some UN organizations
Most UN organizations only require suppliers to register at the Basic level. Only some UN organizations may require suppliers to register at Level 1 and Level 2 in case additional documentation and information are needed.
UNGM will automatically enable suppliers to register at Level 1 and Level 2 with UN organizations that require these additional levels.
UN organizations that do not use additional levels of registration can be identified under the My Submissions Statuses from the navigation menu. For more information, read the: What are the registration levels used by UN organizations on UNGM? article.
TIP: Suppliers are advised to keep the documentation and information provided at Level 1 and Level 2 updated at all times -especially financial documents required at Level 2. If any information needs to be updated, suppliers will be contacted directly by the UN organization.