Instructions to participate in procurement opportunities are provided in the procurement opportunity details and/or documentation. Suppliers and individual consultants are advised to carefully read the instructions regarding the method of participation.
The method of participation in procurement opportunities may differ from one organization to another, depending on the usage of e-procurement systems. For more information, read the: What are e-procurement systems and how are these integrated with UNGM? article.
Some procurement opportunities will require electronic submissions (e-submissions) through e-procurement systems, and others will require hard-copy or email submissions.
Electronic submissions
Suppliers and individual consultants need to submit their bid/proposal electronically via the organization's e-procurement system. If the organization's e-procurement system is integrated with UNGM, the e-procurement system can be accessed from UNGM.
Procurement opportunities requiring electronic submissions include a blue and clickable Express interest button. Clicking this button is a non-binding action.
For more information, read the: How to participate in procurement opportunities requiring electronic submission on UNGM? article.
Hard-copy or email submissions
Suppliers and individual consultants need to submit their bid/proposal by hard copy or email depending on the participation requirements.
Procurement opportunities requiring hard-copy or email submissions include a grey and disabled Express interest button:
For more information, read the: How to participate in procurement opportunities requiring hard copy or email submission? article.
How to participate in a procurement opportunity with a consortium or a joint venture?
A consortium/ joint venture can register on UNGM only if it is registered as a legal entity in its country of establishment. In that case, it can participate in a procurement opportunity by following the same steps as companies on UNGM.
If the consortium/ joint venture does not have a legal status it cannot register on UNGM as such. In this case, the lead company should register on UNGM and participate in the procurement opportunity according to the bidding instructions. The remaining companies do not need to express interest in the same procurement opportunity.
TIP: Suppliers and individual consultants are advised to carefully read the instructions about participation in procurement opportunities. Bid submissions via email should be submitted following the bidding instructions. They should not, under any circumstance, be submitted to the UNGM Secretariat.