Most UN organizations publish their procurement opportunities on UNGM. UN procurement opportunities are accessible publicly and free of charge on UNGM.
To access UN procurement opportunities on UNGM, follow these steps:
1. Click on Procurement Opportunities on the UNGM homepage.
Or click on the Procurement Opportunities link in the navigation menu.
2. Search for procurement opportunities using the filters available. For more information, read the: How to identify relevant procurement opportunities on UNGM? article.
Active procurement opportunities will be shown by default. The checkbox can be unchecked to view expired notices.
3. Click on the procurement opportunity to access more details.
4. Suppliers should carefully review the procurement participation instructions, including the Description, Documents, and UNSPSC codes.
In case of submission via email, bids should be submitted as indicated in the bidding instructions. They should not, under any circumstance, be submitted to the UNGM Secretariat.
5. For questions regarding a procurement opportunity, contact the UN staff member in charge of the procurement process.
Contact information is shown under the Contact tab. It may alternatively include:
- The contact of a particular UN staff member.
- The details of a generic email address from the UN organization's procurement unit.
- The mechanism by which questions are processed. For example, an e-procurement system.
For more information, read the following articles: