To participate in a procurement opportunity requiring electronic submission (e-submission) on UNGM, suppliers need to be registered at minimum at the Basic level with the UN organization issuing the procurement opportunity. For more information, read the: How to check the registration statuses with UN organizations? article.
Procurement opportunities requiring electronic submissions are identified by the blue Express interest button on UNGM. Clicking this button is a non-binding action.
To participate in the procurement opportunity, please follow these steps:
1. Click on Procurement opportunities in the navigation menu and log into your UNGM account using your email address and password.
2. Click on the Express interest button next to the procurement opportunity.
OR click on the Express interest button in the procurement opportunity details.
In case of issues to express interest, read the following articles:
- Why is the express interest button disabled?
- I am not able to express interest in a procurement opportunity. What should I do?
3. The blue Express interest button will change to a green View documents button.
Click on the green View documents button.
4. Suppliers are redirected to the UN organization's e-procurement system. For more information about e-procurement systems, read the: What are e-procurement systems, and how are these integrated with UNGM? article.
After expressing interest electronically, suppliers may click the View documents button to access the UN organization's e-procurement system, where the procurement opportunity details are available.
If the procurement opportunity cannot be found under My Tenders, suppliers are advised to read the: Not able to find an electronic procurement opportunity under My Tenders. How may this be solved? article.
Note: UN organizations’ e-procurement platforms are not managed by UNGM. Therefore, if suppliers experience issues with accessing or navigating these platforms, suppliers are advised to contact the UN procurement officer in charge of the procurement opportunity.
5. On the UN organization's e-procurement system, suppliers will be able to access the procurement opportunity's details and will be able to submit their bids or proposals.