The My Tenders area available in the navigation menu provides suppliers with access to an overview of procurement opportunities that suppliers have electronically expressed interest in and/or have been invited to electronically participate in.
This area includes suppliers' open and restricted procedures which require electronic submissions (e-submissions) through e-procurement system.
Procurement opportunities suppliers have electronically expressed interest in
The My Tenders area provides an overview of the procurement opportunities that suppliers have electronically expressed interest in on UNGM, which are available publicly in the Procurement opportunities page.
The electronic submission takes place on the UN organization's e-procurement system, which is accessible by clicking on the View documents green button.
Procurement opportunities suppliers have been invited to participate in
Under the My Tenders area, suppliers will be able to gain access to the procurement opportunities they have been invited to electronically participate in.
The electronic submission takes place on the UN organization's e-procurement system, which is accessible by clicking on the View documents green button.
For more information, read the: What is the difference between open and restricted procedures, and how are these reflected in UNGM? and How to participate in procurement opportunities on UNGM? articles.
Access to UN organizations' e-procurement systems
The access to UN organizations' e-procurement systems is facilitated under the My Tenders area. Click on the link corresponding to the UN Organization under My Tenders in the navigation menu to access the UN organization's e-procurement system.
The link to the UN organization's e-procurement system will only be available as soon as suppliers have expressed interest or have been invited to participate in a procurement opportunity issued by the UN organization.