In both open or restricted procedures, suppliers may seek clarifications regarding procurement opportunities.
Suppliers requiring clarifications must submit their requests in writing to the UN organization issuing the procurement opportunity.
Please note that the UNGM Secretariat is not in charge of the procurement opportunities published by UN organizations on UNGM. The UNGM Secretariat is therefore not in a capacity to provide any tender clarifications to suppliers.
How to submit a request for clarification?
The contact information of the UN staff member(s) in charge of the procurement process is available under the Contacts tab.
The Contacts tab may alternatively include the details of a generic email address from the procurement unit or the mechanism by which clarifications are processed; for example, an e-procurement system.
What happens after submitting a request for clarification?
The UN organization will prepare written replies to the requests and will communicate them to all suppliers simultaneously, without referencing the source of the requests.
How are replies to clarification requests disseminated on UNGM?
Clarifications which are disseminated on UNGM are attached as a document under the Documents tab and referred to in the Revisions tab.