In case the email address used for registering as a staff member on UNGM was misspelled, Staff members may correct the typo and modify the email address.
To modify the email address used for registration, please follow these steps:
1. Ensure that you are logged in to UNGM with the incorrect email address and password created upon registration.
2. Click on Account and then on Settings.
3. Scroll down to the Change email address section.
Provide the correct email address in the New email address field.
Click on the Change email address button.
4. A message informing that the email change request has been received will be displayed.
5. Access your work inbox and open the UNGM message. Click on the Activate button.
6. The email address has been successfully modified and the account has been activated.
If staff members are not able to change the email address, or experience any issues with the activation of the account, please contact UNGM using the contact form on the Help Center.