Practical tips for venturing into the UN market
Register as a potential supplier on UNGM, and keep contact details and registration information up to date.
Ensure that the company name provided in the registration reflects the company name as provided in the company's Certificate of Incorporation.
Familiarize oneself with each UN organization's procurement procedures using the UN Organizations' pages in the Knowledge Center.
Access the Annual Statistical Report on UN procurement on UNGM to identify the UN organizations' procurement needs.
Check regularly procurement opportunities on UNGM.
Consider subscribing to the UNGM Pro to receive notifications when relevant procurement opportunities are published on UNGM.
Familiarize oneself with the UN Supplier Code of Conduct and with UN General Terms and Conditions for the Procurement of Goods and the Contracting of Services.
Practical tips for preparing and submitting bids and proposals
Respond promptly to an inquiry or to the Request for Proposal from a UN organization.
When invited to participate in a procurement opportunity but not interested or unable to participate, ensure to inform the UN organization.
Study procurement opportunity documents carefully and ask for clarification if there is any uncertainty.
Ensure that bids or proposals meet all requirements including quality certificates, financial statements, catalogs, submission forms, etc., in the requested format and language.
Meet the submission deadline.
Attend public bid openings when invited.