To pay for UNGM Pro via bank transfer, follow these steps:
1. Complete the bank transfer using the following UNGM bank details:
- Bank Name: BBVA
- Account Name: UNOPS
- Currency: US Dollar (USD)
- Account Number: 20 1309 2035
- IBAN: ES 0 801 823 994 012 013 092 035
- Bank Address: CALLE CLARA DEL REY 26, 28002 Madrid, Spain
- Beneficiary address: UNOPS Headquarters, Marmorvej 51, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
Important information:
The reference of the bank transfer should include the supplier's name and UNGM number.
Save a bank transfer or any payment proof in PDF format to upload it later under the bank transfer details form on UNGM.
Make payment established for UNGM Pro plus any applicable bank fees at your bank.
If the amount received by UNGM is inferior to the price of a full plan for a certain period, UNGM will pro-rate the plan's period.
2. Once logged in to your UNGM account, click on My UNGM Pro in the navigation menu.
3. Under the Plan tab, explore the features of being a Free Member and the benefits of becoming a UNGM Pro Member.
Select a plan with the label One-time bank transfer and then on the Select button.
4. Read the Purchase Summary, the UNOPS Standard Terms & Conditions, and if needed, create a proforma invoice.
For more information, read the: Obtain a pro-forma invoice article.
5. Click on Continue with bank transfer to proceed with the payment.
6. Complete the details related to the bank transfer and click on Select file to upload the bank transfer proof of payment in PDF format.
When all details have been included, click on the Notify UNGM button.
7. After submitting the bank transfer details, some lead time may be expected as UNGM will be reviewing the payment.
The subscription will only start when the payment has been reviewed and the service activated.
If a bank transfer has been created by mistake, or if the supplier decides to change the method of payment, this pending bank transfer can be canceled. To do that, go to the Plan tab and click on the Cancel transfer button.
8. When the service is activated, the start and end dates can be found under the Plan tab. This service is non-recurring.
To subscribe and avoid manually renewing UNGM Pro, suppliers should use their credit card: Subscribe via Credit Card
9. To download the receipt, click on the Payment History tab and then on the receipt link.
For more information, read the: Obtain a receipt article.
To edit the TAS settings, read the: The Tender Alert Service (TAS) configuration article.
To discover the features included in the Opportunity Search Plus, read the: The Opportunity Search Plus features article.