The United Nations procures goods and services from suppliers globally to support its activities and operations. In 2023, the United Nations Organizations spent USD 24.9 billion on goods and services.
The UNGM portal centralizes a wealth of information and resources about the UN system and the UN market under a Knowledge Centre.
To familiarize themselves with the UN market, potential suppliers are advised to explore the following pages:
- News and recent deployments, with a compilation of news and recent deployments interesting for all types of users (suppliers, TPOs, UN staff members and people not registered on UNGM).
Doing Business with UN organizations, to learn about the following topics:
- The UN System of Organizations
- The UN Organizations
- Procurement Categories
- International Procurement Seminars (IPS)
- Collanboratoin with UN Organizations
- Procurement Practitioner's Handbook
- The UN Market
- Procurement Plans
- The Annual Statistical Report on UN procurement, with data collected from organizations in the United Nations system and reported together since 1984.
Sustainable Procurement, to find materials related to Sustainable Procurement in the UN context.
- The Sustainable Procurement Indicators
- The Sustainability Procurement Portfolio Model
- The UN Sustainable Procurement Statistics
- Product innovation.
- The Annual Statistical Report, with procurement statistics via interactive data dashboards and the report itself.
- e-Procurement Systems, to discover the e-procurement systems integrated with UNGM.
- Online Courses and Other Resources, open to all users.
About the Knowledge Center, with information about this platform, as well as the:
- The UNGM Glossary
- The UNGM Accessibility Statement
Furthermore, follow UNGM on LinkedIn to learn about the UNGM portal and stay updated with the latest news.