To register as a Trade Promotion Organization (TPO) on the UNGM Trade Promotion Portal, follow these steps:
1. Go to the UNGM site. TPOs are recommended to use Google Chrome as a web browser to navigate the UNGM site.
At the top right corner of the page, click on Register.
2. Click on the Trade Promotion Organizations tile. Remember that this registration:
- does not allow users to participate in procurement opportunities published on UNGM, and
- is subject to approval by the UNGM Secretariat.
3. Complete the required information.
- Provide the TPO name in English.
- The provided email address will become the account's username. It will be used for logging into the account and for authentication purposes. It must be a valid email address.
4. When the form has been completed, click on the Send the activation link button. An activation email will be sent to the provided email address.
The following page will be displayed in the account, requiring TPOs to activate the UNGM account.
5. Access the email Account activation by UNGM in your inbox.
6. Click on the Activate my account button. The link can only be used once.
7. Once the account is activated, click on Registration to complete the registration form. For more information, read the: How to complete the registration form for Trade Promotion Organizations? article.