Completing the registration at the Basic level is a necessary step for suppliers to be visible to UN staff members when sourcing for potential suppliers and to participate in UN procurement opportunities.
To complete the registration form at Basic level, please follow these steps:
1. Go to the UNGM site and log into your UNGM account using your email address and password.
2. Click on Registration at Basic Level in the navigation menu.
3. Complete the registration form section by section.
General information
Under the General information section, suppliers are required to provide general information about their company.
Supplier name must be provided exactly as written in the company's Certificate of Incorporation or other legal documentation.
License number refers to the reference number from a city, state and/or official document that grants the bearer the ability to engage in specific business activities within the designated area.
Year established refers to the year of creation of the company. The year format should follow YYYY, for example, 1991.
Ownership refers to the control over a company. Select the type of business ownership corresponding to the company. If the company is a Woman-Owned Business, select 51% owned and controlled by women's option either under Privately-owned or Publicly-traded.
- Disability inclusion refers to the company's commitment to disability inclusion. If the company makes a dedicated, consistent, and measurable effort to implement disability-inclusive practices, select the 'Disability-inclusive supplier' option.
Once the General information section has been completed, click on Save and Continue to move to the next section.
Under the Address section, suppliers are required to provide the address information of their company.
Click on Save and Continue.
Countries of business
Under the Countries of Business section, suppliers are required to provide information about countries in which they prefer to do business.
National should be selected if suppliers prefer to do business in their country of establishment.
International should be selected if suppliers prefer to do business in their country of establishment and other countries.
Click on Save and Continue.
Under the Contacts section, suppliers are required to provide their contact information and add other contacts if necessary.
Click on Save and Continue.
To invite additional contacts to the account, go to the Invited contacts section and click on the Invite a contact button. For more information, read the How to add contacts to the supplier's account? article.
Goods and services
Under the Goods and services section, suppliers are required to provide information about their activity - by classifying the suppliers' goods and/or services according to the UNSPSC code classification.
For more information, read the: What are UNSPSC codes? and How to select UNSPSC codes in the registration form? articles.
Click on Save and Continue.
Declaration of Eligibility
The Declaration of Eligibility is a formal and explicit statement that has to be made on behalf of the supplier.
Under the Declaration of eligibility section, suppliers are required to review the seven statements and select the most appropriate option.
Click on Save and Continue.
4. The registration is now complete.
The registration statuses with UN organizations may be visible under My Submissions Statuses.
Once the supplier's profile is registered with at least one UN organization at the Basic Level, the supplier's profile will become visible to all UN staff members.
For more information, read the: What are the registration statuses, and what do they mean? and How to manage registration submissions with UN organizations? articles.